You need a power of attorney in Mt. Pleasant SC to put someone you trust in charge of making decisions if you cannot. An unexpected medical emergency could incapacitate you at any time. Power of attorney allows a trusted agent to take care of your finances, health care, and children if you are unable to do so. As a result, you can help your loved ones avoid costly, lengthy court battles to appoint a guardian or conservator. Let Buxton & Collie, LLC, help you with this vital part of your estate plan today. Let our attorneys get a plan in place for you because emergencies are rarely predictable.
Buxton & Collie, LLC, proudly advises businesses and individuals with legal counsel on local, national, and international matters. We provide trusted advisement on a wide range of legal counsel in areas such as real estate, private equity, or power of attorney in Mt. Pleasant SC. In fact, our attorneys have volunteered services to the community since our firm was founded in Mt. Pleasant SC in 2010. We make a difference in our community with events such as blood drives or hosting luggage collections for foster care. As a result, our loyal clients know our firm keeps their best interest at heart with counsel on matters such as business or dental law.
Our firm can help you assign a health care power of attorney in Mt. Pleasant SC. A health care power of attorney enables you to choose someone you trust to make decisions on medical issues. Therefore, you can rest assured that your trusted agent can speak for you if you become unable to make informed decisions. Furthermore, these agents can make calls on all types of medical issues, not just life-or-death decisions. For example, a power of attorney can advise whether to proceed with surgery or a medicinal plan first should an automobile accident render you incapacitated. Because these are important decisions, Buxton & Collie, LLC, wants to let you rest assured with counsel on power of attorney and other estate planning issues.
Buxton & Collie, LLC, also assists clients with establishing a financial power of attorney in Mt. Pleasant SC. In fact, assigning a springing durable financial power of attorney serves as one of the most important parts of most estate plans. As a result, someone that you know will make good financial decisions for you should you become unable to do so will be empowered to do so. In addition, this will protect your family from the emotional and financial toll of having to petition the court to appoint a legal guardian or conservator. Since that is a lengthy, costly process, Buxton & Collie, LLC, wants to help you provide peace of mind to you and your loved ones. Get our attorneys to assist you with the assignment of a financial power of attorney today.
Rest assured that you are prepared for a medical emergency with a power of attorney in Mt. Pleasant SC. Buxton & Collie, LLC, can provide proper guidance on the power of attorney and all estate planning matters. As a result, you get the peace of mind of having someone you trust can make decisions for you if you become unable to make informed decisions. Give Buxton & Collie, LLC, a call right now for legal counsel at 843-606-2397. In addition, you can ask us a quick question with our contact form by clicking here. Since you may want to talk face-to-face, you can come by our office at 940 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Ste 100, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464.