Home refinancing is one of the many things families can do to bring down mortgage interest rates and get lower monthly payments on a loan. If completed correctly, refinancing works to protect your finances and reevaluate the value of your home. However, as is the case with most real estate decisions, there’s plenty of paperwork and legal hurdles you face before a successful refinancing of your property. And thankfully, Buxton & Collie can help guide you through the process as a refinance attorney for Mt. Pleasant SC.
In starting the refinancing process, you might uncover issues with your property you didn’t know existed. It’s the job of a refinance attorney to work closely with you to identify these problems and resolve them.
Mortgage refinancing is only one part of real estate law in South Carolina. From buying a home to the sale of a commercial property, state law requires a real estate attorney to be present for the transaction. And with a law firm like Buxton & Collie, we can ensure your sale goes smoothly, documentation reflects all agreed-upon terms, and your property title is clear of all blemishes.
Are you considering a refinance? By hiring a refinance attorney for Mt. Pleasant SC, we can advise you on the best course of action for you and your family. Learn more about our law firm and services by calling 843-606-2397 to request a consultation. Also, we are located at 940 Johnnie Dodds Blvd #100, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464.